Unholy nexus of Illegal Encroachers and JDA, Jaipur Nagar Nigam, Police in Jaipur City

Jhontwara is current glaring example. Thousands daily commuters were suffering for years due to narrow roads due to illegal Encroachments on the roads by  Thelas/ vendors, illegal buildings and illegal encroachments by  existing shop keepers one and all. NOTHING COULD HAPPEN WITHOUT GRATIFICATION AND INVOLVEMENT  OF  JDA, Traffic Police, Local bodies officials.

Few serious questions comes to our mind:

  • This problem is compounded by Selfish city residents, whose petty selfish motives  has  just abused normal civic norms. Its our own greed that  we  allow it to grow. To tackle  this basic rampant immoral and character  issue, there is is rule of  law and order (Monitoring Police, Traffic Police,  Local Administration, local political leaders etc. etc.).

Our own Selfish city residents donot follow minimum basic  morale, civic sense and encourage this anarchy clubbed with greesing  pockets of  defunct (willing to sale their Conscience) City Planning, law and order officials for mutual petty gains , which worsens this scenario.

  • Because of  compounding  petty greed and nexus of  our own city residents and responsible officials and netas,  no any action is taken on Illegal Encroachers   and responsible officers. Responsible  govt. Agencies collude and milk money becoming totall oblivion of fact that  thousands of daily commuters daily face harassment on road, burn unnecessary  petrol in road jams and wasting  their valued productive time fighting road Jams.
  • What is astonishing is following matrix comes in picture over a period of time:
  1. A gang formation of local netas (irrespective of all parties), Police, Local Government Officials and city residents who earn booty to keep their eyes closed and allow rampant corruption to make money.
  2. By chance if  a tiny minority protests then his/ her voice is systematically silenced  by offering deaf ears of inaction on their grievance.
  3. Referring matter to courts also is the most convenient  way  used  by encroachers . Police, Local Government Officials which almost absolves  them of all their sins. We all know that how difficult it is to wake up our courts  with long pendancy that encroachment almost gets patronised. Even if by some  rare chance, one could wake up the court, who prefers  to adjudicate issue not on real suffering but legal technicalities (a few litigants can over come), then implementing its order also has to go through same unending waiting and ordeal,  which  is difficult to sustain by a common man and he ultimately succumbs and surrender.

  1. Issue which we can see  in Jhontwara  case is following:

Local Government Officials decided to remove encroachments only on the ground  of  building a fly over. Why this was not considered  when  daily thousands of commuters  were suffering and this plan was not in place.

Local Government Officials of responsible agencies, who were party in allowing this encroachments  made booties while they allowed Encroachments and also now  in awarding  compensation to illegal encroachers. Poor common man only suffered  due to frequent and daily jams on road and  wasted petrol fighting it.

When you visit this area you find constructions more then 40 feet has been removed. Why this is done only for fly over not for daily smooth traffic.

Does our law of awarding compensation to illegal encroachers needs to be declared ultra virus by ‘Me Lords’ as it is only helping breeding endless encroachments, daily mass suffering and  filling coffins of  responsible officials. Hope competent courts shall be awaken some day look into this as I can imagine even ‘Me Lords’ and their family members must be suffering while commuting on the encroached roads.

‘Me Lords’ must also consider  why not compensation for removing illegal construction on public  roads  is  collected from  salaries of all officials connived in this sinister game. Even  corrupt encroacher should compensate for mass public inconvenience.

A few  lawful, awakened actions by judiciary  is the last resort of hope for a common man.

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